Daily Virgo Horoscope August 10 (10/08)


Aug 23 − Sep 22

Alias: Alias: The Virgin

August 10


daily virgo horoscope:

summary virgo daily

Star 8/10

Its in your nature to crave mentally stimulating conversation, and your interaction with others could bring that and more now. Conversations or exchanges could become surprisingly deep, even metaphysical. Pondering the mysteries of the world will be fun and stimulating but try to accept that limits exist in terms of how many you can solve, especially in the space of one day.


summary virgo tomorrow

Star 9/10

Its possible to get too much of a good thing in some way now but probably not for long if your desire for more of something causes you to come across as needy or demanding. You want to go way beyond whats obvious or superficial, knowing that pushing for more interaction or support from others can bring more information than you have available currently but you might be pushing for answers others simply cannot provide. Dial back your demands or obsessiveness.


summary virgo weekly

Star 9/10

A change, they say, is as good as a rest. However, because we tend to resent change, we tend not to feel at ease with whats altering in our world. Yet, change occurring in your world now appears to be one that youve engineered through applying determination and persistence in a particular way. That means its a change you can and should feel proud of. You wanted it. Now, youve got it. Be proud of the way youve been the captain of your own destiny.


summary virgo monthly

Star 8/10

More than one area of your world looks set to alter during coming weeks and focus is likely to be given to work and health matters. For some Virgos, a new job opportunity could arise around the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 7th and help you to put a stressful work-related episode to rest. Steps you need to take to improve your lifestyle could become clear, especially where a health matter is concerned. As the month progresses, you could feel inclined to detach yourself from the rest of the world briefly. This is healthy and can prove to be rejuvenating in more than one way.


health virgo daily

Star 7/10

Waking up a little earlier can give you the opportunity to have some healthy time alone before the day begins. You will benefit from taking a little time each day to center yourself in terms of what you want to accomplish. You have a tendency to get wrapped up in other people\s agendas because you are so talented at helping others achieve their goals. Focusing on yourself over a cup of herbal tea in the morning can have a powerful effect on your life.


health virgo tomorrow

Star 7/10

Staying focused on your dreams is part of what physical exercise is all about. With training, discipline and endurance in our daily lives, we learn to expect results from where we direct our energy. Thus, wishing something could be a certain way (in work or romance, for example) can be effective only with the additional persistence and goal-setting we learn through physical exercise and diet. Your healthy habits go a long way toward making your dreams into realities.


health virgo weekly

Star 10/10

Good posture is a great confidence builder and a boon to your overall health. In order to sort out any potential posture issues, you might want to try something like yoga or tai chi. It also helps to be more aware of your body while you\re walking, standing, sitting, or engaged in any kind of activity. If you do this, you\ll learn to correct your posture very quickly.


health virgo monthly

Star 10/10

With a Lunar Eclipse occurring in your health sector on August 7, you may feel its time to change your ways, particularly if youve noticed certain symptoms. This Eclipse could coincide with a radical new approach that involves diet, exercise, and other elements all working together to leave you feeling fit and fabulous. If youve had an issue for some time, you cant expect to be rid of it overnight, so the astrological picture urges patience. In fact, making peace with your situation and yourself can go a long way toward helping you feel better.


love virgo daily

Star 7/10

We all know that you never fall head over heels in love - you are far too sensible for that to happen. And anyway, there is always too much to do. Take care with today\s planetary energy, however, because you might be swept off your feet by one of love\s mighty waves. Even you could find yourself swooning at the sight of someone special.


love virgo tomorrow

Star 9/10

Today\s alignment of the planets brings an unexpected bonus. You can have everything you want so long as you can handle it. You may be tempted to make a bold move concerning your love life, but as you are currently on turbo charge you may overestimate your staying power. The one you have your eye on is hot stuff. Best cool down first before making a move.


love virgo weekly

Star 7/10

Are you ready to find out what happens when you step outside of your dating comfort zone? Doing things that arenyoure your usual routine can help you grow romantically in the beginning of the week. You have a slight fear of not living up to your dates expectations over the weekend, but everything should be OK as long as you act naturally. Hope for the best.


love virgo monthly

Star 10/10

Natural conclusions occur during the Aquarius Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse on August 7, but optimism is the result. It isnt time to act now, but positive changes lie ahead. A trying Venus-Jupiter square on August 17 could highlight differences rather than similarities between you and your date, but questioning whether youre meant to be wont lead anywhere positive. Work with the hand youre dealt instead of trading it for a new one. You feel comfortable and content as the Sun enters Virgo on August 22, allowing romance to unfold naturally. Its so much better when you dont feel like youre under pressure to perform.


career virgo daily

Star 7/10

The world is finally ready to hear your message. You sense that people are in the position to embrace your talent and appreciate the unique gifts that you have to bring to the world. Flaunt them proudly instead of tucking them away in your closet.


career virgo tomorrow

Star 10/10

Larger-moving trends are the ones that you should latch on to today. This calls for you to be more open-minded about seeking opportunities that bring more long-term benefits than short-term ones. Understanding the big picture is key for your success.


career virgo weekly

Star 8/10

Working hard and being useful and available come naturally. Balance work with the rest of your life or work could turn into an addiction that makes putting your needs first a cause of anxiety. Make a resolution at this time to do more things you enjoy outside the workplace. These are lucky days for research in any area of interest. There can be unanticipated misunderstandings. Look for ways to recognize other people\s contributions.


career virgo monthly

Star 9/10

Youll finish an ongoing assignment in early August, causing you to smile with pride. People are impressed by the profits youve generated. What started as a small project has grown into a full-fledged income stream. By August 7, job recruiters will be beating a path to your door. The opportunity to work behind the scenes for a powerful executive is worth pursuing. Youre highly service oriented. Working to make someones life easier will be very rewarding. Be willing to make a big career shift around August 21. Continuing to carry out the same old routine will be a waste of precious resources.



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