Daily Capricorn Horoscope July 24 (24/07)


Dec 22 − Jan 19

Alias: Alias: The Goat

July 24


daily capricorn horoscope:

summary capricorn daily

Star 10/10

A well-meaning friend or family member might have advice theyre keen to offer you but youre able to apply experience in ways they arent to a current dilemma. They might be trying to steer you one direction and you can probably understand their reasons for doing so but youre privy to more information than you might be letting on which is why a decision needs to come from you and not made under pressure from someone else.


summary capricorn tomorrow

Star 7/10

You could find yourself feeling disappointed or possibly angry with others lack of motivation or proactivity. Its as if others dont place as much importance as you do on communicating or responding. However, their lack of response or inability to take the initiative in ways you wish they would shouldnt give you cause to worry. If you maintain your own impeccable standards, others will soon connect with your thinking.


summary capricorn weekly

Star 7/10

Some people thrive in chaos. Others avoid chaos wherever possible in the belief they get best results from operating in structured and predictable environments. In your world, you want something to be more efficient, stable and organized yet cannot help but be focused on all that seems chaotic or unpredictable within it. Soon, a more stable and less changeable situation will emerge. This week, remain focused on progress you are actually making in amongst all that is volatile and chaotic!


summary capricorn monthly

Star 10/10

The cosmos appears keen to encourage you to consider a new or possibly second income stream and you can bring a greater sense of financial stability and security by applying your talents in new ways. Its the Full Moon in your sign on the 9th that brings much-needed clarity where releasing someone or something holding you back and delaying progress is concerned. Its time to break free from a hindrance or drain on your efforts and resources. One commitment near month end might make a dent in your bank balance but any worry will be short-lived.


health capricorn daily

Star 9/10

This is a good time for encouraging different aspects of your inner self to come out of hiding, in order to help shift your habits to fit your true needs. Breaking down the old and welcoming the new is favored, and therefore developing the skills of careful aim and diligent follow through. Be vigilant in your healthy choices (choose to drink copious amounts of water!), and be even more vigilant in opening yourself up to learn what is inside.


health capricorn tomorrow

Star 9/10

You have been on a journey of process, it seems, and you may be craving something that you can sink your teeth into. Whatever you are craving, your internal organs are most likely craving as well. Give them something they can really \"gnaw\" on, such as: kale, chard, fennel, and chickory. Leafy green salads and roots vegetables can make a big difference in your outlook on life, believe it or not. Take a night off from the gym and plan some meals that include these ingredients.


health capricorn weekly

Star 7/10

The cosmos might cause a surge in powerful feelings now. Don\t suppress them. Doing so could bring on the desire to eat comfort foods. This is one time when you\re liable to overindulge in order to numb unpalatable issues. Once you\re aware of what you\re doing, you\ll find it easier to resist. It may help to spend time alone to recharge your batteries.


health capricorn monthly

Star 9/10

If the tendency over recent weeks has been to enjoy yourself to the max, then the coming weeks could see you taking a more disciplined approach to clean living. But with Venus moving into your lifestyle sector, on July 4, you might want to do this with others. Inviting friends to join you on jogs or perhaps to cook healthier foods can keep you on track. If youre eager to get fit and toned, it might also be because a key relationship demands it. If youre newly in love, its only natural to want to look and feel your best.


love capricorn daily

Star 8/10

Today\s alignment of the planets may mean you are not quite sure how to approach a certain subject, even though it ought, theoretically, to be a pleasure to talk about. You feel in your heart that your new lover is quite passionate about you, and yet they may not have actually said so. You get the sense that they are not being honest, even though they exhibit adoration for you.


love capricorn tomorrow

Star 7/10

The current planetary configuration may mean that for once in the history of your current relationship, you cannot bear to repeat yesterday\s routine, again today. If the thought of such a boring existence stretching on into the future makes you feel a little disturbed, then you need to get in touch with your deeper needs and desires and reconnect with those things that truly fulfill you.


love capricorn weekly

Star 8/10

You choose quality over quantity every time, so it doesnt matter how many admirers you have at the weeks start. If they arent people you can imagine sharing your life with, they wont even get a first date. You can spend time with your couple friends over the weekend without feeling jealous or lonely, but you prefer not to be a third wheel. Blind dates and last-minute setups can be pretty fun if you keep an open mind.


love capricorn monthly

Star 9/10

A Capricorn Full Moon on July 9 puts a serious focus on your love life. Now that one phase has ended, youre free to set new (and preferably long-term) goals. Powerful Mars enters extroverted Leo on July 20, meaning passion and a desire for adventurous affairs drive the next six weeks. You can never let yourself act completely without thinking, but youre less prone to fussing over the details. You take your time communicating when Mercury enters earthy Virgo on July 25. Youd rather take an hour to respond to a text than hit send prematurely. Messages full of spelling and grammar errors are unacceptable.


career capricorn daily

Star 8/10

Make sure you double-check your sources today. Much of the information that comes to you will be severely tainted by the source that it comes from. Someone is biased because he or she stands to gain a great deal. Don\t be a pawn in his or her game.


career capricorn tomorrow

Star 10/10

You are feeling confident and strong in the workplace, so why isn\t everyone listening to you? Instead, they are working counter to your aims, making it difficult for you to do your job. Stick to what you know instead of worrying about everyone else.


career capricorn weekly

Star 8/10

This period begins on a strong note. You might be feeling more aggressive than usual. This is a great time to mix with the public. You should enjoy more positive feedback from customers and co-workers. This doesn\t guarantee making points with higher-ups. This is a lucky period for communication. Approach difficulties as problems to be solved. Be someone who can avoid petty conflicts. Events bring the potential for a new start that improves your job prospects.


career capricorn monthly

Star 7/10

You could rise to the top of your profession in early July. The days around July 9 could mark a celebration in your honor. Get ready for your closeup! If youre leaving a position youve held for years, dont be too quick to move into a new role. You will fare better if you take some time to reflect on where you would like to be in the next year. On July 23, you could receive a handsome bonus or dividend for a job well done. Use this money to go on a luxurious vacation at the end of the month. You have earned it!



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